Picture of Peter

I’m a PhD student working on self-driving cars at the UC Berkeley RISELab, where I’m advised by Professor Ion Stoica and Professor Joseph Gonzalez.

I’m interested in how techniques from computer systems can make self-driving cars safer and more reliable. To that effect, I’ve helped build 2 open-source software projects:

Previously, I contributed to several successful open-source projects:

I also interned at Google Deepmind in Summer and Fall 2023.


Leveraging Cloud Computing to Make Autonomous Vehicles Safer.
Peter Schafhalter, Sukrit Kalra, Le Xu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica. IROS 2023.
[video] [slides] [poster] [arxiv]

Context-Aware Streaming Perception in Dynamic Environments.
Gur-Eyal Sela, Ionel Gog, Justin Wong, Kumar Krishna Agrawal, Xiangxi Mo, Sukrit Kalra, Peter Schafhalter, Eric Leong, Xin Wang, Bharathan Balaji, Joseph Gonzalez, Ion Stoica. ECCV 2022.

D3: A Dynamic Deadline-Driven Approach for Building Autonomous Vehicles.
Ionel Gog, Sukrit Kalra, Peter Schafhalter, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica. EuroSys 2022.
[code] [acm]

Pylot: A Modular Platform for Exploring Latency-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Autonomous Vehicles.
Ionel Gog*, Sukrit Kalra*, Peter Schafhalter*, Matthew A. Wright, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica. ICRA 2021. Best Unmanned Aerial Vehicles paper award finalist.
[code] [video] [website] [ieee] [arxiv]

* These authors have made equal contributions.


Building Autonomous Vehicles: From the Road to the Sky. Sky 2022 Summer Retreat.

D3: A Dynamic Deadline-Driven Approach for Building AVs. EuroSys 2022.

D3: A Dynamic Deadline-Driven Approach for Building AVs. RISE/Sky 2022 Winter Retreat.

Scaling Emerging AI Applications with Ray. QCon.ai San Francisco 2019.


Reviewer: ICRA 2024.

Co-author of the revised UC Berkeley EECS Operating Systems Preliminary Exam Syllabus (2023).