- MoE-Lightning: High-Throughput MoE Inference on Memory-constrained GPUs
Overlap CPU and GPU computation with I/O to maximize utilization for offline, batch-processing LLM workloads.
ASPLOS 2024.
[Paper] [Code] - Scalable Multi-Domain Adaptation of Language Models using Modular Experts
Train and compose modular experts to augment the capabilities of language models.
[Paper] - Leveraging Cloud Computing to Make Autonomous Vehicles Safer
Use the cloud to improve autonomous driving safety.
IROS 2023.
[Paper] [Slides] [Poster] - D3: A Dynamic Deadline-Driven Approach for Building Autonomous Vehicles
Adjust response times and handle missed deadlines to maximize application-wide accuracy.
EuroSys 2022.
[Paper] [Code] [Docs | Rust] [Docs | Python] - Pylot: A Modular Platform for Exploring Latency-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Autonomous Vehicles
Rapidly test self-driving car models and algorithms.
ICRA 2021. Best Unmanned Aerial Vehicles paper award finalist.
[Paper] [Code] [Docs] [Video]
*These authors have made equal contributions.